Who is Author S.M. Little?

Author S.M. Little is primarily a Post-Apocalyptic writer, focusing on good stories that can inform as well as entertain.

Newest Release

Book 4 of “The Changed” series was released on August 5, 2022. It is the latest tale of how our survivors of the unimaginable continue through something mankind has never faced.


Mankind has known hardships. They have experienced pandemics, droughts, floods,
and infections, but never have they had to face a plague of this magnitude.

Where did the Changed ones come from?
How can the world survive now that they've arrived?
What lengths will people go to, to make sure they are the ones who remain?

Join in the epic battle to save humanity in this open-ended series.


What would you do, if suddenly, your entire world was turned upside down? What if the lights went out across America, and you had to save your family from certain death? Join our heroes as they race to save each other in this E.M.P. disaster.


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